CardDAV Client Library

in package
implements XmlDeserializable

Represents XML DAV:response elements as PHP objects.

From RFC 4918: Each ’response’ element MUST have an ’href’ element to identify the resource. A Multi-Status response uses one out of two distinct formats for representing the status:

  1. A ’status’ element as child of the ’response’ element indicates the status of the message execution for the identified resource as a whole (for instance, see Section 9.6.2). Some method definitions provide information about specific status codes clients should be prepared to see in a response. However, clients MUST be able to handle other status codes, using the generic rules defined in Section 10 of [RFC2616].

  2. For PROPFIND and PROPPATCH, the format has been extended using the ’propstat’ element instead of ’status’, providing information about individual properties of a resource. This format is specific to PROPFIND and PROPPATCH, and is described in detail in Sections 9.1 and 9.2.

The ’href’ element contains an HTTP URL pointing to a WebDAV resource when used in the ’response’ container. A particular ’href’ value MUST NOT appear more than once as the child of a ’response’ XML element under a ’multistatus’ XML element. This requirement is necessary in order to keep processing costs for a response to linear time.

Essentially, this prevents having to search in order to group together all the responses by ’href’. There are, however, no requirements regarding ordering based on ’href’ values. The optional precondition/postcondition element and ’responsedescription’ text can provide additional information about this resource relative to the request or result.

<!ELEMENT response (href, ((href*, status)|(propstat+)), error?, responsedescription? , location?) >

DeserializedElem from Deserializers

Interfaces, Classes and Traits


Table of Contents

xmlDeserialize()  : Response
Deserializes the child elements of a DAV:response element and creates a new instance of the proper subclass of Response.



Deserializes the child elements of a DAV:response element and creates a new instance of the proper subclass of Response.

public static xmlDeserialize(Reader $reader) : Response
$reader : Reader
Return values

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