in package
Represents XML urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav:prop-filter elements as PHP objects (RFC 6352).
From RFC 6352: The CARDDAV:prop-filter XML element specifies search criteria on a specific vCard property (e.g., "NICKNAME"). An address object is said to match a CARDDAV:prop-filter if:
- A vCard property of the type specified by the "name" attribute exists, and the CARDDAV:prop-filter is empty, or it matches any specified CARDDAV:text-match or CARDDAV:param-filter conditions. The "test" attribute specifies whether any (logical OR) or all (logical AND) of the text-filter and param- filter tests need to match in order for the overall filter to match. Or:
- A vCard property of the type specified by the "name" attribute does not exist, and the CARDDAV:is-not-defined element is specified.
vCard allows a "group" prefix to appear before a property name in the vCard data. When the "name" attribute does not specify a group prefix, it MUST match properties in the vCard data without a group prefix or with any group prefix. When the "name" attribute includes a group prefix, it MUST match properties that have exactly the same group prefix and name. For example, a "name" set to "TEL" will match "TEL", "X-ABC.TEL", "X-ABC-1.TEL" vCard properties. A "name" set to "X-ABC.TEL" will match an "X-ABC.TEL" vCard property only, it will not match "TEL" or "X-ABC-1.TEL".
<!ELEMENT prop-filter (is-not-defined | (text-match*, param-filter*))>
<!ATTLIST prop-filter name CDATA #REQUIRED
test (anyof | allof) "anyof">
<!-- name value: a vCard property name (e.g., "NICKNAME")
test value:
anyof logical OR for text-match/param-filter matches
allof logical AND for text-match/param-filter matches -->
Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- XmlSerializable
Table of Contents
- $conditions : null|array<int, \MStilkerich\CardDavClient\XmlElements\TextMatch|\MStilkerich\CardDavClient\XmlElements\ParamFilter>
- List of filter conditions. Null to match if the property is not defined.
- $property : string
- Property this filter matches on (e.g. EMAIL), including optional group prefix (e.g. G1.EMAIL).
- $testType : string
- Semantics of match for multiple conditions (AND or OR).
- __construct() : mixed
- Constructs a PropFilter element.
- xmlAttributes() : array<string, string>
- Produces a list of attributes for this filter suitable to pass to a Sabre XML Writer.
- xmlSerialize() : void
- This function encodes the element's value (not the element itself!) to the given XML writer.
List of filter conditions. Null to match if the property is not defined.
null|array<int, \MStilkerich\CardDavClient\XmlElements\TextMatch|\MStilkerich\CardDavClient\XmlElements\ParamFilter>
Property this filter matches on (e.g. EMAIL), including optional group prefix (e.g. G1.EMAIL).
Semantics of match for multiple conditions (AND or OR).
= 'anyof'
Constructs a PropFilter element.
__construct(string $propname, array<string|int, mixed> $conditions) : mixed
The $conditions parameter is an array of all the filter conditions for this property filter. An empty array causes the filter to always match. Otherwise, the $conditions array has entries according to the ComplexFilter / elaborate form described in the Filter class.
- $propname : string
The name of the VCard property this filter matches on.
- $conditions : array<string|int, mixed>
The match conditions for the property
Return values
mixed —xmlAttributes()
Produces a list of attributes for this filter suitable to pass to a Sabre XML Writer.
xmlAttributes() : array<string, string>
Return values
array<string, string> —A list of attributes (attrname => attrvalue)
This function encodes the element's value (not the element itself!) to the given XML writer.
xmlSerialize(Writer $writer) : void
- $writer : Writer