CardDAV Client Library

in package

Stores the changes reported by the server to be processed during a sync operation.

This class is used internally only by the Sync service.

Table of Contents

$changedObjects  : array<string|int, mixed>
URIs and ETags of new or changed address objects.
$deletedObjects  : array<int, string>
URIs of deleted objects.
$syncAgain  : bool
True if the server limited the returned differences and another followup sync is needed.
$syncToken  : string
The new sync token returned by the server.
__construct()  : mixed
Construct a new sync result.
createVCards()  : bool
Creates VCard objects for all changed cards.



URIs and ETags of new or changed address objects.

public array<string|int, mixed> $changedObjects = []

list<array{uri: string, etag: string, vcf?: string, vcard?: VCard}>


URIs of deleted objects.

public array<int, string> $deletedObjects = []



True if the server limited the returned differences and another followup sync is needed.

public bool $syncAgain = false


The new sync token returned by the server.

public string $syncToken



Construct a new sync result.

public __construct(string $syncToken) : mixed
$syncToken : string

The new sync token returned by the server.

Return values


Creates VCard objects for all changed cards.

public createVCards() : bool

The objects are inserted into the SyncResult::$changedObjects array. In case the VCard object cannot be created for some of the cards (for example parse error), an error is logged. If no vcard string data is available in SyncResult::$changedObjects for a VCard, a warning is logged.

Return values

True if a VCard could be created for all cards in SyncResult::$changedObjects, false otherwise.

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