CardDAV Client Library

in package

Performs a synchronization of a local cache of the addressbook to the current state on the server.

If supported by the server, the synchronization uses the sync-collection (RFC 6578) report to efficiently request the changed cards and the addressbook-multiget (RFC 6352) report to fetch all changed cards in a single request. If the server does not support these operations, the service falls back to alternative methods transparently.

Table of Contents

synchronize()  : string
Performs a synchronization of the given addressbook.
determineChangesViaETags()  : SyncResult
Determines changes to the addressbook at the server side using PROPFIND.
multiGetChanges()  : void
Downloads a set of cards from the server using addressbook-multiget.
syncCollection()  : SyncResult
Determines changes to the addressbook at the server side using the sync-collection REPORT.
synchronizeOneBatch()  : SyncResult
Performs a synchronization of the given addressbook for one synchronization chunk as dictated by the server.



Performs a synchronization of the given addressbook.

public synchronize(AddressbookCollection $abook, SyncHandler $handler[, array<int, string> $requestedVCardProps = [] ][, string $prevSyncToken = "" ]) : string
$abook : AddressbookCollection

The addressbook to synchronize

$handler : SyncHandler

A SyncHandler object that will be informed about new/changed and deleted cards.

$requestedVCardProps : array<int, string> = []

List of VCard properties to request for retrieved VCards. If empty the full VCards are retrieved. Note that many servers do not support this and will always provide the full cards regardless of this parameter.

$prevSyncToken : string = ""

Sync-token of a previous sync when performing an incremental sync. Empty string to perform a full sync (all cards of the addressbook will be reported as changed).


list $requestedVCardProps

Return values

The sync token corresponding to the just synchronized (or slightly earlier) state of the collection.


Determines changes to the addressbook at the server side using PROPFIND.

private determineChangesViaETags(CardDavClient $client, AddressbookCollection $abook, SyncHandler $handler) : SyncResult

This performs a card-by-card ETag comparison of the current ETags reported by the server and the locally stored ETags corresponding to the state of the last retrieved cards.

$client : CardDavClient

The client to use for communicating with the server.

$abook : AddressbookCollection

The addressbook that should be synchronized.

$handler : SyncHandler

The application-side sync handler, that will have to provide the list of local cards and their ETags.

Return values

Changes to the addressbook reported by the server with respect to $prevSyncToken, including a new sync token.


Downloads a set of cards from the server using addressbook-multiget.

private multiGetChanges(CardDavClient $client, AddressbookCollection $abook, SyncResult $syncResult, array<int, string> $requestedVCardProps) : void

The downloaded cards are stored to SyncResult::$changedObjects along with the corresponding ETag. In case the data for a card cannot be retrieved, a warning is logged and the corresponding card will have no data associated.

$client : CardDavClient

The client to use for communicating with the server.

$abook : AddressbookCollection

The addressbook to fetch the cards from.

$syncResult : SyncResult

The SyncResult object to store the retrieved cards to, which already contains the URIs of the changed cards to fetch.

$requestedVCardProps : array<int, string>

list $requestedVCardProps

Return values


Determines changes to the addressbook at the server side using the sync-collection REPORT.

private syncCollection(CardDavClient $client, AddressbookCollection $abook, string $prevSyncToken) : SyncResult
$client : CardDavClient

The client to use for communicating with the server.

$abook : AddressbookCollection

The addressbook that should be synchronized.

$prevSyncToken : string

The sync token of the last sync, or empty string if this is the initial sync.

Return values

Changes to the addressbook reported by the server with respect to $prevSyncToken, including a new sync token.


Performs a synchronization of the given addressbook for one synchronization chunk as dictated by the server.

private synchronizeOneBatch(AddressbookCollection $abook, SyncHandler $handler, array<int, string> $requestedVCardProps, string $prevSyncToken) : SyncResult
$abook : AddressbookCollection
$handler : SyncHandler
$requestedVCardProps : array<int, string>
$prevSyncToken : string

list $requestedVCardProps

Return values

The synchronization result object.

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